Standard Invitation to Bidders Bid Notice Under Open Bidding 15th February 2024Provision of Medical Insurance Services to UWEC Staff & their Dependents - UWEC/NCons/23-24/00024 BEB-for-Provision-of-Medical-insurance-services-to-UWEC-staff-their-dependants-00024Download The Uganda Wildlife Conservation Education
Supply of Three Double Cabin Pickups – UWEC/SUPLS/23-24/00012 The Uganda Wildlife Conservation Education Centre has received funds from Government of Uganda to be used for the acquisition of three double
Following the public advert inviting able and qualified providers for various supplies and works, a number of bids were received and thoroughly evaluated against the set & communicated criteria. The
Development, and Operationalization of an Online Booking, Ticketing System & Commission/ Installation of Pedestrian/Car Access Control System - UWEC/NCons/21- 22/00018 The Uganda Wildlife Conservation Education Centre has allocated funds to